Reduced Frontal Cortical Tracking of Conflict between Self-Beneficial versus Prosocial Motives in Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Thanks to the great collaboration with Stefan Roepke and Aline Vater at the Universitätsmedizin Charité as well as Björn Schott at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology in Magdeburg we are happy to announce the publication of our first paper on Narcissistic Personality Disorders (NPD)! If searched correctly this is just the second task-based functional MRI study in NPD overall (see Jauk et al., 2017 for the other one).
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) entails severe impairments in interpersonal functioning that are likely driven by self-beneficial and exploitative behavior. Here, we investigate the underlying motivational and neural mechanisms of prosocial decision-making by experimentally manipulating motivational conflict between self- beneficial and prosocial incentives. One group of patients diagnosed with NPD and a group of healthy controls (CTL) were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing a prosocial decision- making task. In this task, we systematically varied the level of conflict between self-beneficial and prosocial options on each trial. We analyzed choice behavior, response times, and neural activity in regions associated with conflict monitoring to test how motivational conflict drives prosocial choice behavior. Participants in the NPD group behaved less prosocially than the CTL group overall. Varying degrees of motivational conflict between self- beneficial and prosocial options induced response variability in both groups, but more so in the CTL group. The NPD group responded faster than the CTL group, unless choosing prosocially, which slowed response times to a level comparable to the CTL group. Additionally, neural activity tracking motivational conflict in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex was reduced in the NPD group. Collectively, low generosity in NPD appears to arise from reduced consideration of prosocial motives, which obviates motivational conflict with self-beneficial motives and entails reduced activity in neural conflict monitoring systems. Yet, our data also indicate that NPD is not marked by an absolute indifference to others’ needs. This points to potentials for improving interpersonal relationships, effectively supporting the well-being of patients and their peers.
Reduced Frontal Cortical Tracking of Conflict between Self-Beneficial versus Prosocial Motives in Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Stolz D, Vater A, Schott BH, Roepke S*, Paulus FM* & Krach S.* NeuroImage: Clinical; Volume 32, 2021, 102800