Sören Krach

Altered physiological, affective, and functional connectivity responses to acute stress in patients with alcohol use disorder

Background There is evidence that the processing of acute stress is altered in alcohol use disorder (AUD), but little is known about how this is manifested simultaneously across different stress parameters and which neural processes are involved. The present study examined physiological and affective responses to stress and functional connectivity in AUD. Methods Salivary cortisol […]

Altered physiological, affective, and functional connectivity responses to acute stress in patients with alcohol use disorder Read More »

Altered physiological, affective, and functional connectivity responses to acute stress in patients with alcohol use disorder

Background There is evidence that the processing of acute stress is altered in alcohol use disorder (AUD), but little is known about how this is manifested simultaneously across different stress parameters and which neural processes are involved. The present study examined physiological and affective responses to stress and functional connectivity in AUD. Methods Salivary cortisol

Altered physiological, affective, and functional connectivity responses to acute stress in patients with alcohol use disorder Read More »

Presentation of “rethink funding” at the University Future Festival U:FF (Berlin)

Auf die Plätze, fertig, Los! Erste Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung der Freiraum-Ausschreibung Das Auswahlverfahren zur Freiraum-Ausschreibung der Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre hat bisher viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt, denn dem wissenschaftlichen Auswahlverfahren ist ein Losverfahren vorgeschaltet. Warum hat sich die Stiftung für dieses Verfahren entschieden? Was ist der Mehrwert dieses Verfahrens und wie nehmen die Antragstellenden dieses Verfahren wahr?

Presentation of “rethink funding” at the University Future Festival U:FF (Berlin) Read More »

Examining self-belief formation through artificial beliefs

Abstract Psychological research has addressed key questions about self-beliefs, such as when they are formed, how they are shaped, or what functions they might have. The fundamental question of how we arrive at these self-beliefs in the first place has mostly been neglected, and there is currently no mechanistic description of the underlying processes. While

Examining self-belief formation through artificial beliefs Read More »

Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying maladaptive self-belief formation in depression

Abstract A core symptom of major depression is maladaptive self-beliefs. These are perpetuated by negatively biased feedback processing. Understanding the neurocomputational mechanisms of biased belief updating may help to counteract maladaptive beliefs. The present study uses functional neuroimaging to examine neural activity associated with prediction error-based learning in depression and healthy controls. We hypothesized that

Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying maladaptive self-belief formation in depression Read More »

Two months lab visit by Jessica Royer

The SNL welcomes Jessica Royer from McGill University (Montreal, Canada) for a two months lab visit. Jessica is a clinical neuropsychologist focusing on socio-affective networks in persons with epilepsy. She uses multimodal MRI and electrophysiology, specifically high-density scalp EEG and intracranial recordings. Her work at the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) is co-supervised by Dr. Birgit Frauscher

Two months lab visit by Jessica Royer Read More »

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